IntelliGolf Version 8.x Feature Summary

For a summary of the New Features included in version 9.x please click here.

IntelliGolf® "version 8" is now shipping for all platforms (e.g. Palm and Treo handhelds, Pocket PCs, Windows Mobile-based Smartphones, Sony Ericsson and Nokia-based smartphones, and Windows PCs). Version 8.x includes a variety of new features, enhancements, and continued free access to the IntelliGolf course database for our in-revision (version 8.x) customers.

New Version 8.5 Features - Palm handhelds, Windows Mobile Smartphones and Pocket PCs

Version 8.5 for Palm handhelds. Version 8.5 includes significant enhancements for wirelessly downloading courses directly to your Palm-based smartphone (i.e. Treo-series) plus a variety of minor enhancements. If you want to wirelessly download courses to your Treo handheld directly, version 8.5 is a "must have" for you :-).

Version 8.5 for Windows Mobile-based Smartphones and Pocket PCs. Version 8.5 includes support for Windows Mobile 6.0, landscape/rotating-based screen displays (e.g Motorola Q, Samsung Blackbjack, T-Mobile Dash, AT&T Tilt, Ty Tn II, etc), and various other enhancements. This upgrade is necessary if you recently purchased a new Windows Mobile 6.0-based Smartphone or Pocket PC, or need support for landscape or rotating screen displays for devices running Windows Mobile 5.0 or 6.0. Note: Customers running Windows Mobile 2002 (very old) should not upgrade to IntelliGolf version 8.5 or higher. Windows Mobile 2002 is no longer supported in version 8.5 or higher.

New Version 8.3 Features - All

Version 8.3 includes some general enhancements to IntelliGolf. These items are not critical updates. As such, you are welcome to download and install version 8.3 at your leisure.

New Version 8.2 Features - All

IntelliGolf (IG) version 8.2 includes all of the current version 8.0/8.1 features plus the "Most Requested Features" (MRF) that you sent us this past quarter. These include:

We hope that you enjoy all of the new features and enhancements included in IntelliGolf version 8.2. To upgrade to version 8.2 please click here.

Version 8.0/8.1 Feature Summary - All

IntelliGolf (IG) version 8.0/8.1 includes:

To upgrade to the latest version 8.x IntelliGolf software please click here.

Have a Great Round!

The IntelliGolf Team
Sports Enhancing Software
in 125+ Countries Worldwide!