IntelliGolf® Version 11.x Feature Summary
IntelliGolf for Blackberry OS 10 is Now Shipping!
Please click here to purchase the IntelliGolf "version 11.22"
Eagle edition smartphone software for the Blackberry OS 10.
SAVE 85% Today! Then, all future version 11.x "updates" will be FREE to you!
IntelliGolf for Android is Now Shipping!
Please click here to purchase the IntelliGolf "version 11.5+"
Eagle edition smartphone software for Android.
SAVE 85% Today! Then, all future version 11.x "updates" will be FREE to you!
***** Existing IntelliGolf for Android version 11.x customers: Please click here for instructions on how to download your
FREE IntelliGolf Eagle Smartphone edition "version 11.x" software update from Handmark or Google Play (see FAQ). *****
Note: If you did not originally purchase the IntelliGolf "Birdie" edition desktop companion software... you
should buy it now while it's still on SALE for 60% OFF. It will let you "sync" all of your smartphone-based rounds, courses, and players to your Windows-based PC (via WiFi) for reviewing
game-improving statistics and graphs, approximating your handicap, viewing your Dream Round, export scorecards to the web, and more... Click here and skim down towards the bottom of the
Intelli-eStore for the Birdie edition (Desktop for Android) software. It's only $14.99 today (vs $39.99). You'll be glad you did :-)
New Version 11.55-56 Updates/Enhancements/Fixes
Quick-entry numeric keys on the main scoring screen
> Simplifies score entry saving time and effort.
Ring-a-hole feature for Stableford scoring
> Enter 0 into "score" field to auto-calculate bogey or double-bogey score;
> Bogey or Double-bogey ring options set in Preferences.
British Stableford wagering options
> Options: 1) Pay difference * wagered amount or 2) Pay wagered amount (only) to winner;
Group Stableford scorecard (i.e. access from Menu button, then v More);
Group Net scorecard (i.e. access from Menu button, then v More);
My Scores scorecard (i.e. access from Menu button);
Owner information is now auto-filled during set-up (i.e. if owner is a Google customer)
> Saves time, effort and typing.
More performance optimizations, and
General fixes/updates.
New Version 11.50-11.54 Updates/Enhancements/Fixes
MAJOR NEW FEATURE: Added Satellite/Aerial Hole View graphics display with GPS distance finder/marker.
Added Google Play Services, cellular data, and WiFi checking/verification.
Optimized putt tracking so that putts can now be set to "on/off" for any/all Players.
Updated IG to use Android's default font instead of the serifed font in the Sidegames scorecard display.
Added code to turn putts "on" for everyone if the Chip Ins sidegame is selected (i.e. Putts = 0 = Chip In).
Add code to interpolate the center of the green location if only the front and back of the green GPS coordinates are present.
Fixed an issue wtih the AddPlayer and AddSidegame checkbox display.
Fixed an issue When the Play button was pressed, and no Rounds were present, IG would hick-up.
Fixed two check-box issues with "Bunker" and "Save up/down" selections.
Fixed the Galaxy S4 scorecard tab titles clipping issue (i.e. Scores, Putts, Averages, Totals).
Updated the Chip Ins sidegame to register a Win when 0 putts are entered.
Updated/optimized many of the Team sidegames.
Updated the Nassua - 2 Person sidegame.
New Version 11.20-11.23 Updates/Enhancements/Fixes
Samsung Galaxy (S2/S3/S4) memory, resource, and screen optimizations (v11.22-23+).
Course downloads/uploads optimized to include special character synchronization (v11.23+)
New Desktop IP Address feature added for varying subnets/public WiFi (v11.23+).
Player handicaps can be updated during a Round of golf (v11.23+)
Chip Ins (0 putts) recording/registration fixed (v11.23+).
New Main Scoring Screen (MSS) features (v11.21-22+):
> Auto-focus now automatically jumps between scores and putts for all players.
> New numeric keyboard makes entering scores and putts easier.
> Scores and points are tabulated "on the fly" (vs after Next Hole is pressed).
> Upon entry of the last player's scores or putts, the soft keyboard is automatically dismissed.
> Dots (hdcp strokes) are displayed next to score-entry box.
> Over/under Par is displayed under the player's name.
> Tap (column/box) to access Shot Tracking, Sidegame partners, Wagering points, etc.
> "Jump to hole" feature (Holes 1-18) implemented. Click on the Golf Ball icon (upper left).
> Two digits & '+' or '-' now displayed under "$" column for wagering points.
> The "Next/Back" hole buttons are replaced with -Hole # and + Hole # buttons.
Support for Multiple Wolf games added.
Support for Multiple Custom games added.
USGA Index and EGA Index decimal point display issue fixed.
When starting a round, you can choose to track putts for either "Owner only" or "All players".
> Owner's putts are always tracked for proper "Greens in Regulation" calculation.
Handicap values are "verified" on the "Tee details" screen available from the "Edit Course" feature.
Handicap values are "not verified" on the "Tee details" screen available from the "MSS" screen (i.e. Hdcp editting)
British Stableford point scoring for getting an "Eagle" is fixed (4 points). Don't we wish :-)
Updated Wolf sidegame to include "Lone Wolf Must Win" and automatic saving of partners.
Shot tracking info is saved if the player is changed within the Shot Tracking screen.
Selectable sorting on "Full Name" or "Scorecard Name" (see Player's List).
Enhancing internal sorting of courses.
Top Most Requested Features
Current as of June 2014.
Note: If there are features that you would like to see added into the IntelliGolf software, please send them to
As more and more folks ask for the same feature(s) they will move up our "to do" list and eventually onto our Top Most Requested Features
"short list" (above) for assignment into engineering. Thank you!
New Version 11.1-11.16 Updates/Enhancements/Fixes
Wolf sidegame: partners now selectable.
Custom sidegame: points now selectable.
Match sidegame: multiple games selectable.
Bingo-Bango-Bongo optimized/verified.
Sidegames selectable on Main Scoring Screen.
GPS Survey "auto on" feature added.
Players names sorted alphabetically.
Course names sorted alphabetically.
Wireless course downloads:
> Country search optimized;
> Search again feature added, and
> Max. course download option added.
Shot tracking optimized for:
> Clubs, distances, and/or direction.
Course "delete" prevented for existing rounds.
Pause round optimized in various locations.
"Long press" optimized/simplified for:
> Rounds (e.g. View, Post, Resume);
> Courses (e.g. Edit, Delete, Call), and
> Players (e.g. View, Delete, Club preferences).
"Intelligolf is not licensed for this device" error message;
> Fixed for the IntelliGolf side of this issue;
> Google Play is fixing their licensing server now,
> Please click here for more Google information.
USGA Index and EGA Index decimal point display issue fixed.
Stableford display heading updated to "Total Points Putts".
Shot tracking length entry in yards or meters.
Rapid-fire "Next" key issue fixed.
Fixed various lock/crash issues.
Other/miscellaneous updates.
New Version 11.0 Features/Upgrades (Android and Blackberry)
IntelliGolf version 11.0 now supports the Android platform including OS versions 2.2 and higher (e.g. OS 3.x-4.x).
Please click here for more information.
Note: IntelliGolf for Android is a completely new product on a completely new platform (i.e. Android).
IntelliGolf version 11.0 for the Blackberry now supports RIM's version 7.x, 6.x, and 5.x operating systems plus all of our latest features and functions.
Please click here for more information.
Note: Support for OS 7.x is completely new in version 11. Support for OS 4.x has been discontinued in version 11.
IntelliGolf "version 11" software users receive FREE access/use of the IntelliGolf course database.
Note: Some companies charge up to $59.95 in annual membership fees for course access privileges. This benefit alone pays for the upgrade/purchase price :-)
Once you have purchased/upgraded to the IntelliGolf "version 11" software, all future "in-revision" version 11.x updates
for your "same product" and "same platform" will be FREE to you (e.g. v11.1, 11.2, v11.3, etc).
Note: For more information on IntelliGolf's upgrade and DB access policy, please click here.
There is no better time to get IntelliGolf version 11.x than today. That way, you'll get the most for your money!
P.S. To see all of the version 10.x features (by platform) please click here.
Have a Great Round!
The IntelliGolf Team
Sports Enhancing Software
in 125+ Countries Worldwide!