IntelliGolf CSE Pro!
The IntelliGolf CSE Pro software will allow you to GPS-enable an IntelliGolf
course for FREE using Google Maps
(i.e. without needing a GPS receiver) for those courses available via Google Maps.
"This course survey tool is unbelievable!!! I just surveyed a course
in less than 15 minutes. I'm going out to play it now."
Plus, you can also edit/add locations for courses
that have already been surveyed by a fellow IntelliGolfer.
Once you have surveyed a golf course, you can use the
IntelliGolf Eagle edition or Eagle GPS Option software,
in combination with your GPS-enabled smartphone (or a Bluetooth
GPS receiver), to view distances to key locations
on your favorite courses.
To begin using CSE Pro, or to view a demonstation of the CSE Pro,
please click Next* below.
IMPORTANT: This software only works with IntelliGolf
"version 10.0" (or higher). If you are running an earlier version of
IntelliGolf, please visit www.intelligolf.com/estore
to upgrade.